Expert Ownership Podcast
Expert Ownership Podcast
The Power of Vision
Discover the transformative power of vision in three core areas of life. We'll break down the three different types of vision—personal, professional, and prophetic—and explain how each one plays a pivotal role in guiding your decisions and actions.
So today we're talking about the power of vision. Okay, this is a good one, because we're actually coming just a couple days after President Trump. There was an attempted assassination on his life and it was crazy seeing how God divinely protected him. And we also shout out to Corey I forget how I say his last name, it's a really cool Italian name he died at the event and he died a hero, shielding his wife and his kids. I was thinking through what we wanted to talk about today in terms of the EO podcast and just the power of vision was just jumping out at me. We're going to be in Habakkuk 2.2, and it's going to make sense to you why I brought up the whole Donald Trump thing because we need to know what God is doing in the world. We need to know that Because there are three types of vision. We have our personal vision, we have our professional vision, but we also have a prophetic vision. What is God doing in the earth? What is the big picture and how do we fit into that? Because, remember, it's not about your story. I know it's kind of popular amongst Christian influencers to talk about your story. Now, your story does matter and your journey matters, but ultimately, it's his story, that's why it's called history, and you are a day player in his movie, and we have to look at what is the big picture. That is crucial for us to understand. Yeah, and if you do not have your eyes open to the prophetic vision, which is what we see through scripture, it's what we see in the spirit, what God is doing in the world then your personal vision and your professional vision for your life and for your business means nothing. Okay, now, where do we get this from? So we're going to be.
Speaker 1:I have a verse, habakkuk 2.2 about vision. But before I get to that, proverbs 29.18 tells us without vision, what happens to people? They perish, they die. Without vision, people perish. And for David and I, we talk about three types of vision the personal, professional and the prophetic. The personal vision okay, where do you want to go with your personal life? This is your relationships, this is your health, this is your lifestyle. What do you want your health to be like? And it also takes into consideration your personality. So your personal vision also takes into like who did God create you to be? What did he create you to do? What are the things that energize you? What are the things that drain you Really. Getting examination into those areas of your life will help you further clarify your personal vision. And if you've read our book Expert Ownership, you'll understand that David and I talk a lot about your.
Speaker 1:So that statement capital S-O, capital T-H-A-T, so that and this is all about your personal and your professional vision. But for personal, our personal vision is, at least for me, when I first started was I want to be financially free so that I can speak and write. So that statement ties together your vision and your mission. Your vision what do you want to accomplish? Where do you want to go? And your mission why do you want to accomplish it? I want to be financially free. There's my vision, so that I can speak and write. There's the mission. So that statement is so incredibly important. But then on a professional level, it's also important.
Speaker 1:I remember me and David when we had our business going really big, hot and heavy. It was we want to be the largest foreclosure brokerage in the country so that we can breathe life in cities across America. We wanted to have our for-profit business give us the ability to build our nonprofit pro-life initiatives. So we had a personal vision, we had a professional vision and your professional vision. Just think about that. Your job, your money, your career Now all those things are great and you have to have that, otherwise you're going to die. Where you are Not, physically, no, but if you don't have a vision, then you're not going to have the energy and the motivation and the fuel to keep moving forward.
Speaker 1:So my wife and I have a marriage podcast that we do Beauty in Battle and one of the first things that we talk about when people come in for our coaching, when couples come in, one of the first things we talk about is what do you want? What do you want to accomplish? If you keep that in mind, like, okay, so first, what is the issue that you're facing? What are the things you're fighting about? The second is what do you want to accomplish? If you keep number two at the top of your mind, number one is going to work itself out. The problem comes when you just have number one. It's like I've got these problems and these are the things that I'm facing, but you don't have number two in place and you've lost your vision for your marriage. Number one it'll never work itself out. You have to have your vision. You have to have your vision personally, in your personal life it's all about your relationships as well but also professionally.
Speaker 1:Okay, now, that is the foundation on which we find ourselves in Habakkuk 2, where, in Habakkuk 2, god is making things very clear to the people of Israel, and this is where prophetic vision comes in. And listen to what he says of Israel, and this is where prophetic vision comes in. And listen to what he says. He says record the vision, inscribe it on tablets that the one who reads it may run. Okay now, I love the word picture here and I think we can apply it in a couple different ways. First, habakkuk, who was the prophet at the time. He was to record the prophetic vision that God had given him. And then, you know, back in those days they didn't have phones, they didn't have internet, they didn't have newspapers.
Speaker 1:The way that news spread was that there was a guy called a herald Okay, he was a modern day newscaster and that herald would take whatever message that the prophet had and he would run from town to town and give it to people. He would literally run from town to town. Once the herald showed up, then people started gathering around him. He's like here's what the prophet says, or if it was a message from the king. Here's what the king says. So they had a herald.
Speaker 1:Okay, so this prophetic vision would be given to the herald and the herald would run. Okay, so God was saying inscribe it on tablets, which means that you write it in stone. It can't, the guy can't like. Erase it, it's written in stone and make it plain, and then that herald needs to run. So the prophetic vision would then give warning from God, through the prophet, to the people who needed to repent, so they would experience God's grace and mercy as opposed to his wrath. That's what God was saying through Habakkuk when he started talking about this vision. Take the vision. If you don't get your stuff right, you are going to be destroyed. That vision, write it, make it plain, put it on tablets and then let the herald run. So without this word from God, the people would be destroyed. Okay, this was the prophetic vision. Okay, now we need to understand. There's a prophetic vision for us today. What is God doing? That's why we can't bury our heads in the sand when we're looking at an attempted assassination on Donald Trump.
Speaker 1:Donald Trump represents everything that Satan hates. Okay, is Donald Trump a Christian? I don't know I don't think he acts like it. You know a lot of times man he is, but you know what he represents. Like Cyrus in Isaiah 45, like Cyrus in the days of Babylon and Persia. He was a pagan king that God used in a powerful way to help the people of God. I look at Trump kind of the same way. And if we lived in Babylon, if we lived in Babylon and they opened up a free election and they said you can vote for Nebuchadnezzar or Cyrus. Nebuchadnezzar hates the people of God, cyrus loves the people of God. But both are pagan, both are absolute buffoons, both have a harem. Yeah, who do you vote for? Well, you vote for Cyrus, right, that's your best option, and so that's how I see this whole Donald Trump.
Speaker 1:But if we open our eyes and we see what God is doing here, we got to recognize there is a prophetic vision. We got to open our eyes. And there's my dog barking I don't know if you can hear him in the background. We got to open our eyes. So first the prophetic vision was about what is God doing in the world, and then the rest of that verse. The vision was to be written very clear and simple.
Speaker 1:Some versions say that Habakkuk was to make it plain, meaning, clear and concise. Why? So the people could understand it easily. I heard a pastor once say the clearer the vision, the fewer the options, the easier the decision. You see, this applies to your personal and professional visions and also the prophetic vision. The prophetic vision was if you don't repent, god will destroy. That's very clear. But you can also apply this to your personal and professional visions. Making your vision clear and understandable is the key for it to becoming a reality. That's why David and I boiled it down to just two words so that I want to blank. So that blank. I want to vision. So that mission. It's very clear, it's very easy, it doesn't have to be drawn out. Like I said earlier, I want to be financially free so I can speak and write Our professional. We want to be the largest foreclosure brokerage in the nation so that we can breathe a culture of love and life through cities across America. It's very specific, it was very plain and the more I thought about those visions, the more it propelled me to work hard and get to that point.
Speaker 1:God gave us the brainpower to help us achieve our vision. And when you imagine something in your mind because it's so clear, it's so concise, it's so simple that you can actually imagine it. When you imagine something in your mind, your body responds to it as if that thing is already a reality, okay, and then your subconscious mind kicks in and it helps you accomplish what it is that you see in your mind. That's why the vision needs to be plain, it needs to be simple. It gives you the energy to run, just like that verse says. It's like breathing you can't run if you don't breathe. Vision gives you the capacity to pick up the pace and run so that you can breathe. We all need to breathe. So what is your personal vision, what is your professional vision and what is the prophetic vision? We need to know what God is doing. That's why, at Expert Ownership, we're always teaching guys and teaching girls like get into the scripture. By the way, this is when Trump was the assassination attempt on Trump.
Speaker 1:Thinking about the prophetic vision, I couldn't stop thinking about the book of Daniel, and I read in Daniel, chapter 4, where Daniel actually rebuked Nebuchadnezzar after a dream that he had that he was going to be this great tree and the tree was going to get chopped down. Listen to what Daniel says to the king, he says this and this does two things. Number one, it shows the sovereignty of God over the king. But it also number two shows a man, daniel, who told the king hey, repent, humble yourself, listen to what he said. And this is the prophetic vision here in America right now. It says this in Daniel, chapter 4, starting in verse 25,. He says Daniel was interpreting the king's dream and he said you'll be driven from among men and your dwelling place will be amongst the beasts of the field and you'll be made to eat grass like an ox and you'll be wet with the dew of heaven, and seven periods of time will pass over you until you know this is cool that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he will, and, as it was commanded to leave the stump of the tree in the ground, your kingdom this is Nebuchadnezzar will be confirmed for you from the time that you know that heaven rules. Then Daniel says this therefore, o king, let my counsel be acceptable to you Break off your sins by practicing righteousness and your iniquities by showing mercy to the oppressed, that there may be perhaps a lengthening of your prosperity. He's like repent.
Speaker 1:I look at Trump. Hey, heaven rules guys. Therefore, right now you've got an opportunity. Bow your knee to Jesus, donald Trump, bow your knee to Jesus, every single American in this country. We are fracturing as a people.
Speaker 1:Now the question is who has God made you to be in the midst of this moment in history? What is God calling you to build in terms of your business at this moment in history where we are literally witnessing historical moments of an attempted assassination on probably one of the world's most powerful men at this point? So this is like okay, I want to know. I want to look at my personal vision. I want to look at the personality God's given to me. I want to look at the calling, the talents, the abilities, the skill sets I have. I want to look at my professional vision. I want to look at my business. What is God calling me to create and build and run the? I want to. So that statement right For a greater purpose.
Speaker 1:And then let's look at the prophetic vision. What's happening in the United States of America? What is happening in the world spiritually right now, where all of these things my personal vision and my professional vision fit into the greater context to advance the kingdom of heaven on earth Because, at the end of the day, as Daniel said in the Bible, under the power of the Holy Spirit, heaven rules. How are we serving heaven? Because we know heaven rules.
Speaker 1:And if this prophetic vision, this is why you have to be spending time every day, as a faith-filled entrepreneur, in the word of God and in listening prayer. Okay, if you haven't got your listening prayer journal yet, go to Amazon. Expert ownership listening prayer journal grab it. And that is exactly how we built our businesses. So we've got to be spending time in the word of God every single day and that is the power of vision. All right, that's expert ownership. Hey, by the way, we're doing our men's retreat, our mastermind, for it's kind of a Benham Brothers thing where we're doing it, and it is September 9th through the 11th, and I think we got so many people that have already reached out. We might already be out of room, but reach out to Deb at Benham companiescom you come stay for two days with us at our lake house in Charlotte, north Carolina. Three days, two nights. Three days, two nights. And if you're interested in that, no-transcript.