Expert Ownership Podcast
Expert Ownership Podcast
Five Keys to Godly Business Leadership
What if you could lead a business that truly honors God while achieving unparalleled success? On today's episode, we cover the five transformative keys to godly business leadership, inspired by Psalm 119. If these keys worked for King David, they'll work for you!
So today we're talking about five keys to a godly business leader, and we're going to base this on Psalm 119. Okay, now, psalm 119 is awesome. I think isn't Psalm 119 like the longest chapter in the Bible? Yeah, it's really good, and there's a portion of it verses 57 to 63, where we were reading and saw man. There are five keys here. If you want to be a godly business leader, this is what you need to do so without further ado, because David and I are going to hit this for you quickly, because we believe that if you're a faith-filled entrepreneur, we want to launch you into greater freedom and success. So we don't want to keep you on here for 40 minutes. We want to get you in and out, and so let's look at these keys. Let me give you key number one and then David keys. Let me give you key number one and then David, I want you to read verse 57 of Psalm 119. Key number one whoa, I just swallowed something there. Key number one Maybe it was a gnat. You know what? Most people would cut that out. I'm not cutting it out, no way. Keep it in. All right, let's go.
Speaker 1:Number one be committed to God. Verse 57 of Psalm 119. The Lord is my portion. I promise to keep your words, be committed. So that's number one. Right there, david says the Lord is my portion. What does he promise? To keep your words. I will keep your words. I am committed to you, god, 100%. As a business leader, I'm not committed to my profit. I'm not committed to my people more than I'm committed to God. Now, when you are committed to God, you will be committed to the people. You will be committed to profit, because a profit to a business is like air to a lung. Right, listen to this.
Speaker 1:David and I talk about how there are three things that need to be in place before you make a move in business there has to be opportunity, there needs to be potential and there needs to be the smile of God. So, before we ever started a business, when we started thinking about what business avenue we needed to get into, you obviously have to look for opportunities, right, you have to look for a place where there's opportunity. You have to look for potential, where it has potential to make you money, but typically, most entrepreneurs stop there. Is there an opportunity for me to do this business and will it make money? Yeah, okay, let's do it.
Speaker 1:Well, the third component is the smile of God, and so that's where you have to make sure that you're pausing and you're saying, god, are you smiling on this thing? Right? Because if you are committed to doing things God's way, then you'll wait for him. So you need to 100% be fully committed to God. You got anything to say on that? No, it's just if you, if you want to be committed to the word of God, like if you want to promise to keep God's word, you got to be in the word, like God's words are not just, don't just listen to podcasts, to what other people say. That's right. Get into the word. That's been Jason and I's number one business, our MO. That's the number one business advice we give to all faith-filled entrepreneurs Get into the word of God, make it your commitment every single day and listen to him. And we have the expert ownership listening prayer journal out now. Go on Amazon, just put it in there in the search bar and you go in and you can listen to God. So you're getting into his word every single day. Why? Because you're committed to him and you're listening to him. Okay, so that's key number one. That is the number one key. Everything is founded on that. Key number two is in verse 59. Read verse 59. When I think on my ways, I turn my feet to your testimony. Key number two is to be self-aware. Okay, when I think on my ways, right, it's like after I think about what I'm doing, then I make the right decision.
Speaker 1:So I remember a story, david, you should relate this story. Remember, early in business, you put together a deal and where there was money outside closing, you didn't think about it. We were brand new in real estate. Yeah, I found four investment properties, sixty thousand dollars each. Now, of course, they're all worth probably three or four hundred thousand each now. Yeah, thank you, lord, 60 grand each. Three bed, two bath little houses outside charlotte, about 30 minutes north and um.
Speaker 1:And the owner was a friend and he said hey look, we'll write up the contract for 40 grand each and then we'll do a $20,000 silent second outside of closing. And I had no idea, like what all this was. And he said I'll just make it affordable for you and your brother. Well, I didn't know that. Everything was supposed to be disclosed on the HUD settlement statement, including a silent second mortgage if the seller is holding something back. So anyway, there's just a whole bunch of guidelines in real estate that you're supposed to follow.
Speaker 1:So I wrote the contract up and I was so excited about this. This was like Jason and I's first opportunity. It would be our very first real estate purchase. It would be our first investment purchase, it would be everything. This would really kind of get us into the game and I was so pumped about it and as I was reading the word of God, I remember thinking like is there anything that we're doing that's not on the up and up? And so I took it to our broker in charge. His name was Alan Craven I love him, older man, and he said that's actually illegal. You cannot do a silent second outside of closing without disclosing it on the settlement statement. So I was like, oh well, dad gum, and I knew like, right, then it felt like the balloon had been popped.
Speaker 1:But I remember it was in the morning, early one morning you were praying, you're like I think I should bring this to alan like there's something. You see, that's where you're. If you're committed to god, you're spending time with the lord. Then god, god, awareness makes, gives you good self-aware. We ended up blowing up the deal and never bought the houses, yeah. And so here's the thing what David realized was is he had a gifting to put deals together, but he had left the anointing when he started scheming. Now he didn't know. We had to learn. We were young, we were still in our 20s, but there was still the temptation. Even after I knew there was still the temptation. Even after I knew there was still a temptation to keep the deal together.
Speaker 1:But you've got to be self-aware. And how do you become self-aware? By spending time with God. That's right, because these keys build on each other. So, number one you want to be a godly business leader. Be committed to God, okay. Number two be self-aware. Number three David read verse 60. I hasten to do, and not delay, to keep your commandments, never procrastinate. That's key. Number three I hasten to do your, which which means I like jump at it. When God you tell me something to do, I'm gonna do it. When God pricks your heart, listen, you've got to act immediately. Okay.
Speaker 1:If David would have waited when God pricked his heart early that morning, I remember him telling me I think I should go talk to Alan Craven about that deal. If he didn't go do it immediately, then I promise you the next day that prick would have been a little softer, and then the next day it might've gone away. Next thing, you know he's forgotten all about it. Yeah, see, when it comes to conviction, or when it comes to God telling you to do something, do not wait. I had to kill the deal pretty quick too, yeah, even though I didn't want to.
Speaker 1:And it's not just conviction, it's also when you know the right way to go. When you know the right thing, don't procrastinate. David and I, I can't tell you the number of times where we were calling on a particular client, you know, and I'm like emailing and making phone calls, and then that client's like, well, yeah, hey, I'd like to talk to you. You know, maybe I can talk to you next Wednesday. And David and I, immediately, right there, I booked a flight. I'm like, okay, great, we'll be there, like we'll be in Dallas. And they're like wait, we can just do a phone call. I'm like, if that's what you want, that's fine, but I will fly out there to meet with you and take you to lunch, just for one.
Speaker 1:Do not procrastinate. When you know the right thing to do, jump run, act immediately. That never procrastinating, that attitude is going to help you a lot. So you want to be committed to God key number one you want to be self-aware. Key number two. Key number three do not procrastinate. And key number four, david, verse 62. At midnight I rise to praise you because of your righteous rules. So it's thanks and praise. So key number four I put here always be thankful.
Speaker 1:If you just operate in gratitude, do you realize all the science that shows how good gratitude is for you and how healthy it is? You know, psalm 100, verse four, says enter my gates with thanksgiving, my courts with praise. If you want God's power, you need to be in his presence. If you want God's presence, you need to enter it with thanks and praise. It starts with gratitude. Listen to this.
Speaker 1:Studies show that feeling gratitude, it regulates your heart rate and reduces your stress. So all those negative emotions that make your heart rate erratic gratitude, it actually regulates your heart rate. Gratitude activates listen to this study. It activates your hypothalamus, which is in your brain. Okay, and the hypothalamus regulates your hunger, sleep, body temperature, metabolism and how your body grows. So it's one of the control centers of your body and gratitude motivates it to excel. Literally. When you're thinking gratitude thoughts, especially toward God, you are training your brain and it's healing your body.
Speaker 1:Gratitude decreases stress. When you're thankful, you can bounce back much quicker from stressful events. It's now seen as a seriously useful coping strategy. The stress hormone, cortisol, was shown to be 23% less in those people, when they were studied, who were grateful. Gratitude helps you fall asleep more easily. Now, all of this stuff is science backed, and then when you wake up after a time of gratitude, you feel more refreshed. And then, ultimately, a study shows that when you're grateful, you experience more positive emotions. Overall. Studies regularly show how grateful people were more empathetic, forgiving, helpful, supportive and, overall, more positive. And not to mention, it boosts your immune system.
Speaker 1:This is the reason why culture right now is so dead set on victim victimhood, church hurt, um, trying to embrace your past and only looking at America's past and not being grateful for any of the stuff that we have, including all these protesters that are out there burning the American flag. I mean, these guys are not. There's no gratefulness. Yeah, it's like well, why don't you go to the country, the one that you say you're supporting, palestine? Why don't you go? Move over there, go there. They wouldn't last. You don't last 24 hours there. So, but that's key Number four, if you want to be a God-needed business leader, is that you always be grateful.
Speaker 1:Never stop thanking God, okay, never, ever, ever. And then key number five, david, verse number 63,. This is important. I am a companion of all who fear you, of those who keep your precepts. Choose wise friends. Key number five is choosing your friends wisely.
Speaker 1:You need to surround yourself with those who help you go further up and further in with the Lord, for those who will help you accomplish what it is that God has called you to accomplish and, in return, you will help them accomplish what God wants them to accomplish. You'll do it together. You've got to be very careful who's in your inner circle. Even Jesus himself was careful. He had 12 disciples we know this but he only let three of them see him transfigured. Isn't that interesting? He didn't let the other ones see him transfigured, he only let three of them. You've got to be very careful who your inner circle is, and I like to tell especially entrepreneurs you've got to choose people who make you better in their area of expertise.
Speaker 1:So, for me and David, obviously, when we talk about entrepreneurism, we talk about faith, family, finances, fitness and friendship. Well, fitness is one of them. And you know what? We got a good buddy, steve Pinkerton. He's a buddy of ours. He's just a little younger than us but he hasn't eaten a dessert in a decade and he's ripped out of his mind. And you know, we got, we got friends in their fifties who you can see every ab you know, and they're in such good shape. Well, when it comes to fitness, we hang around those guys, we work out with those guys. Okay, we make sure, at least a couple of times a week we are with those people. When it comes to finances and business, we hang out with Joe Johnson and Sean Marcel from Life Surge. We hang out with other entrepreneurs who are doing better than we are. Jeff Rutkowski, yeah, and we, and we hang out with guys like that.
Speaker 1:When it comes to, uh, you know, friendships specifically for David and I, we, we like to hang around biblical thinkers. I think of my buddy, jason Jimenez. We get together and I can ask him any question about the Bible and he's, he's like two years younger than me and he can rock out scripture and verse. He's a biblical thinker. Yeah, bob Gladstone, yeah, shooting the fat with him. So choose your friends wisely. Dr Brown, dr Brown, for sure those guys. You choose your friends wisely.
Speaker 1:So if you want to be a godly business leader, you need these five keys found in Psalm 119, all five things that David did as the king. He was fully committed to God, he was self-aware. He never procrastinated which I can't say that he never did that his whole life. But the idea is never procrastinate. He didn't habitually procrastinate. You should say that, because we all procrastinate to a certain point. And then, key number four always be thankful. Key number five choose wise friends. When you do this, you will be the godly business leader that God Almighty has called you to be.
Speaker 1:Speaking of choosing wise friends, we named the date of our mastermind. It's only for dudes. Sorry, ladies, but just send your hubby. September 9th through 11th. We're going to do it at our lake house. Jason and I finished. We finally built a lake house that sleeps about 16. Lake house jason and I finished. We finally built a lake house. It sleeps about 16, so it's only for 15 guys. And uh, send deb at benhamcompaniescom. She'll send you all the details. Uh, we literally announced this last week and the spots are already halfway gone. So, all right, god bless you guys. Hey, subscribe, rate and review. Send this out Hopefully this is a blessing to you and get your teenage kids listening to this as well. These five things will really be a blessing to them. And, by the way, if you're a teenage kid listening to this, pay attention to your parents. They love you. They're God's people for you. All right, god bless you guys. See you next week.