Expert Ownership Podcast
Expert Ownership Podcast
Build Your Business With The TERA Quotient
In this episode, we explore the world of neuroscience to reveal how the human brain is wired to ask four key questions before a person chooses to engage with a business or company. This is called the TERA quotient, and understanding its power will help you build deeper connections and drive engagement.
Whether you're in sales, marketing, or any customer-facing role, these insights will help you answer crucial subconscious questions that can dramatically enhance customer loyalty and trust.
Oh, and if you haven't grabbed a copy of our newly released Listening Prayer Journal, grab your copy HERE.
Welcome back. Expert Ownership. David and I, obviously, as you probably know by now we're always on the road, so I'm just straight up zooming in. I don't have my awesome podcast mic, although you know what. I did buy us some podcast mics, David, so we can start using those when we travel on the road. But we're covering something really special today. We are going to talk about this really awesome thing called the TERA quotient, t-e-r-a, the T-E-R-A quotient and how we can utilize it to increase our business. Okay, so let me explain what T-E-R-A quotient is, and I learned this. This is all attached to brain science. I learned this and I'm like, oh my gosh, this is so good, and my wife and I this is Jason talking, by the way my wife and I actually did a podcast on our Beauty in Battle podcast on how you can use this, these four keys, to help you and strengthen your marriage.
Speaker 1:So we're talking today, specifically, though, about business. So, in business, potential customers, they're internally asking questions that need to be answered before they'll engage with your business. Yes, okay, all of a sudden, I know that. So, when you're doing sales, when you're doing your marketing, anything, your customers, internally, their brain, is asking four questions, and those questions have to be answered before they'll actually engage with you, and this is all based on neuroscience, and I should have written down the people who discovered all of this, and so I'm sorry. So whatever scientist out there figured this out, I'm really sorry, but our brains are assessing whether or not we feel safe with potential companies and businesses before we'll actually trust them, before we'll move forward with them, and the cool thing is and this is why I want to share with you guys is that we get an opportunity to see how other people's brains work, which is including how our own brains work, so that we can actually answer those questions for them, because the brain is asking four questions. We can answer those questions for them, and then that's what helps them to move forward with us.
Speaker 1:At a very base level. It's the person who wants to buy a car from you, if you're a car salesman. It's the person who wants to buy a house from you, if you're in real estate. It's the person who wants to buy that product for you or sign up for your service or whatever it is for you, or sign up for your service or whatever it is. What can we do to help them to do that.
Speaker 1:Well, we need to understand T-E-R-A and understand what the T-E-R-A quotient is. So people's brains, all of our brains, are assessing whether or not we feel safe with the company and can trust it. So our potential customer, their brain is literally assessing do I feel safe here or don't I? If I feel safe, I'll move forward. If I don't, I won't Okay. The safer they feel, the more likely they'll buy.
Speaker 1:So neuroscience got together and discovered how our brains are asking four questions at all times when we're interacting with people, especially when it comes to a business context, and they spell out T-E-R-A, t-e-r-a okay, it's a trust factor in any business, and they call it the T-E-R-A quotient. And it's based on a discovery in neuroscience that shows four primary drivers that influence how the brain reads any situation. If your brain signals any type of unsafety, people retreat. If it signals safety, they engage, okay. So what do we want with our potential customers and clients? We want them to engage with us, right, we don't want them to retreat from us. We want them to engage. Well then, we have to understand the four questions the brain is asking. The higher the tier quotient, the greater the security and trust in the organization. So this works in churches and it works in businesses. So it works in the for-profit space, it works in the nonprofit space. So, whether you're a pastor or whether you're a business owner, you can utilize these principles. And a good business, a good organization, focuses on increasing its tier quotient as much as possible.
Speaker 1:Okay, so, david, are you ready to hear the four questions? Yeah, let's go. Yeah, let's go T-E-R-A. Let me give you what they stand for and then we're going to go back and look at each one. All right, t tribe the brain is asking are you with me or against me? Is this my tribe? E expectation the brain is always asking do I know the future or don't I? R rank the brain is always asking am I more important or less important than these people? And number four is autonomy. The brain is always asking do I really get a say in this or not? Do I have a choice and do I have a voice? Okay, it's autonomy. Let's look at tribe. Let's look at tribe. Let's look at T.
Speaker 1:So when someone wants, when some, when we approach someone, and whether this is online or whether they walk into our storefront or whatever it is, their brain is asking are these my people? Are they with me or against me. If their brain sees you as on their side, it increases your tier quotient Okay, so their. So, when they're seeing your ad, when they're seeing the stuff that you're saying, are they seeing you as a part of their tribe? Are you positioning yourself in that niche that makes them say, yes, these people are my people. I want to move forward.
Speaker 1:So tribe is always the first thing, and it's not just Jason, it's not just the offer, but it's who you are so developing, um, camaraderie with. I'm a husband, I'm a father, I've got five kids. You know what? I got kids in college, kids out of college, kids in high school. Boom, I'm automatically developing, uh, that tribe. Like they're like, oh yeah, my kids are in high school too. And I'm like, oh my goodness, are you guys? Do you feel like? They're like, oh yeah, my kids are in high school too. And I'm like, oh my goodness, are you guys? Do you feel like you're uber drivers with your ninth grader? And they're like, yes, oh my gosh, this is crazy right. All of a sudden, now you're becoming and it's not a manipulative thing, it's just about how to connect with people, it's how to influence.
Speaker 1:That's why we always say you need to hyper niche yourself. So make sure you're hyper niche, because the riches are in the niches. So get your tribe down and then you just make sure that you make people feel welcome that this, hey, we are your tribe. Right, we are your people. So that's the first thing that the brain is asking Are these my people or not? Are they with me or are they against me? Okay, so that's number one. It's T for tribe. Number two expectation the brain is always asking. So that's number one, it's T for tribe.
Speaker 1:Number two expectation the brain is always asking do I know the future or don't I? If what's going to happen next is clear, then the brain sees the situation as safe. If it's not clear, the brain sees the situation as risky. And if it sees it as risky, they're going to run away. If they see it as safe, they'll engage. If they aren't sure what to expect next, then your business, your offer, whatever it is, is going to be seen as unsafe. You've got to make it very clear who you are, what you're asking and what you're going to ask them to do. And if they know that, it automatically sets their brain at ease. Right, this is neuroscience. So you got to be very clear who are we, what do we do and what am I going to ask you to do? So that's expectation.
Speaker 1:Now, disappointment is the gap between expectation and reality. Always remember that Expectation is a huge thing. David, you were going to say something. Yeah, I was literally going to say that same quote Disappointment is the gap between expectation and reality. So we got to make sure that, whatever expectations we're setting, that we don't just meet them but we exceed them. Especially if you're an expert owner, you're a believer. We want to do our best to exceed expectation, which creates even a further connectivity with our potential customer or client. That's right, because if you're exceeding expectations, then guess what you go through. And you guys know this little process when we talk about marketing, sales and value delivery in our expert ownership book. Marketing turns people into prospects, sales turns prospects into purchaser, and value delivery turns purchasers into promoters. So you can have a tribe of promoters out there, but you have got to make sure that first, you outline the expectation and secondly, you've got to exceed that expectation. Okay, so that's E for expectation.
Speaker 1:The next one, number three, is R rank. The brain is always asking am I more important or less important? Do these people, this business, this potential company? Do they value who I am? It's all about how rank is being played out at the moment. If you, as a business, purposely or accidentally diminish their status, then the situation is not seen as secure. People want to know they're valued. They want to know we value you. This isn't one of those things where, hey, we're the experts, you're actually the idiot. You need to listen to us or you need to buy our thing. No, it's your value. You've got to make your potential customer and your current customers feel completely valued. So that's it's all about, because their brains are always asking how are these people making me feel Right, the last thing that you want to be? I mean, I think we've all had interactions with groups before.
Speaker 1:Well, if you didn't buy the thing, then they made you feel bad about buying it. It was like you are violating the Tira quotient right there because they're feeling bad about not buying your thing. That is 100% terrible, and you know the principle of the seventh touch, that typically people buy after the seventh touch. That's why our email campaign's got to be good. You got to be touching and giving them value. But the touches are not pestering, nagging or hounding. The touches are value creating. You're bringing value in a loving, kind way. And the door everybody wants to buy but nobody wants to be sold, so the door is open to purchase. You're giving Sales is simply giving people the opportunity to buy. Selling is not selling. Selling is presenting opportunities for people to buy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's the key, and the best way to make people feel valued is to give them value with nothing asked in return. Okay, and then typically there's there's your, your, your mindset is there's a PS. Hey, by the way, we've got this thing that can help you even greater. So it's like I'm going to give you some value. And, by the way, we've got this program over here that you can upgrade into, and that is the best way to do it and it's a very good thing. Okay, so that's, that's ranked. So you got tribe, you've got expectation, you've got rank.
Speaker 1:And the fourth component of the tier quotient, backed by neuroscience, is autonomy. The brain is always asking do I get a say or don't I? If I don't get a say, then it's not seen as a safe situation, and what that means is choice and voice. Now, do I have a choice in this or are you going to shame me you don't want to use any of those tactics that make people feel as though I got to do it right now. You want them to feel like they've got freedom. You don't want to force yourself on any potential customer or client. And again, this is industry specific. I mean, if you run a restaurant, it's a little bit different. One of these four things might be more important than the other, specifically it's restaurant. I would look at expectation and then rank in terms of making people feel valued.
Speaker 1:So these four components are so incredibly important and if we want to be expert owners where we can launch ourselves into greater freedom and success, then we got to make sure that we recognize what is the neuroscience, what are people's brains asking them? That they don't even know their brains are asking them. So let me give you these four again. Tribe the brain is asking are you with me or against me? Are these my people or not? Expectation the brain is always asking do I know the future or don't I? If what's going to happen next is clear, the situation is safe. If it's not clear and they're not sure on what to expect, then it's not safe and they won't engage with you. That's expectation. Number three is rank. The brain is always asking am I more important or less important than these people? Do they make me feel valued? And number four is autonomy. The brain is always asking do I get a say or don't I? It's about choice and voice. So let me give you four questions that you're going to end with.
Speaker 1:Four questions and David, I just wanted to hit this real fast. Number one in your business what can you start doing today to raise your tier quotient? What can you start doing? Question number two what can I stop doing? What can you stop doing to raise your tier quotient? Question number three what can I do more of to increase my tier quotient? And question number three what can I do more of to increase my tier quotient? And question number four what can I do less of to increase my tier quotient? What can you start doing to increase that tier quotient? What can you stop doing? Okay, what can you do more of? What can you do less of? Because that tier quotient?
Speaker 1:This right here, man, if you make people feel a part of your tribe, if you clearly outline expectations, if you give them rank and make them feel valued because you're bringing them value and you always give them autonomy where they have freedom and they're not shamed for not buying, you will have a high tier of quotient. You will have a company that will stand the test of time. You know, I think about the Philippians, the verse about saying always treat others better than yourself or consider others better than yourself, which you know. This is the tier quotient. Obviously, these things are pretty profound brain science, all that stuff, but every single bit of it is backed up by Scripture, all undergirded by Scripture. So that's it, guys. Listen, subscribe, rate, review, share this with some friends. Hopefully this is a blessing. Let's be expert owners, let's own every single area of our life and with this Tira Quotient, this is pretty good stuff. I'm actually surprised Jason came up with this. I researched it. Dude, I'm just. I'm giving you the stuff that's helping me I didn't come up with.