Expert Ownership Podcast

The Most Powerful Move in Business

Benham Brothers

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Drawing inspiration from the remarkable lives of Joseph and Daniel, this episode focuses on the most powerful move you can make in business and how God rewards it when you do!  Enjoy!

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Speaker 1:

All right, so welcome back. Today we are talking about the most powerful move you can make in business. That sounds good, it does right. The most powerful move you can make in business, and David and I have seen this ring true in our own businesses. But we originally got it from two well-known biblical figures that you will remember from the Old Testament. One is Joseph in Genesis and one is Daniel in the book of Daniel, and both of these guys were blessed with wisdom. They were blessed with insight and discernment and understanding, and they use that in powerful ways to actually be like the closest advisors to pagan kings. So Joseph was in Egypt and he was. Was he second in command or third in command? I think he was second in command in Egypt to Pharaoh. And then Daniel was in Babylon and he was third in command to Nebuchadnezzar the king. Well, he was third in command in Persia, but then raised up in Babylon as well.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, are you going to tell us what the most important thing is? Yeah, you started with that. I'm going to do it. I you going to tell us what the most important thing is? Yeah, you started with that. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. We're just sitting here hanging no, I know you're sitting there hanging, okay, because I want you to hang just for a second but these two guys show us something that's so incredibly powerful and the most powerful thing that we can ever do in business. These two guys did, but let me give some backstory. Here's the backstory For both of these kings, for Pharaoh, centuries before Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel.

Speaker 1:

Pharaoh and Joseph. Pharaoh has a dream, crazy dream. God gave him a dream. You realize God still speaks through dreams. He can speak to you about your business through dreams. So don't just have a dream and then not think anything of it. Now, sometimes your dreams are just going to be wacky and there's nothing you can do about it Because you ate too much pizza yeah, pizza, but you know what? Pay attention to some dreams, because every now and then, god will give you a dream. That actually means something, and so let me just pause for one second and do a little note on that.

Speaker 1:

When David and I first started our business back in 2003, I think we were going to a place called Fire Church Was that in like 2004 or 2005 or whatever and a pastor talked about dreams and he said ask God to give you a dream? I forget the pastor's name, and so that night I prayed. I was like Lord, I'm not looking for a sign, I'm not looking for anything. No-transcript, I'm not looking for anything. But if you really do speak through dreams, give me a dream. And that night, god gave me the dream that David and I, together, we were a buoy in the middle of the ocean and it was in the middle of tsunami-type waves and it was just crazy If you've ever seen the movie the Perfect Storm with George Clooney what a great movie, by the way Big waves, massive waves, and David and I were this buoy and we were together. So we weren't like two buoys, we were one buoy, but I knew it was me and David and the massive waves would come up and they would smash over the top of us and we'd go up underwater and then we'd come right to the top and we just kept doing it and the waves kept coming and trying to crush us and drown us, but it couldn't.

Speaker 1:

And fast forward to 2014, which was about 10 years later, the whole HGTV thing came and David and I got fired in front of a watching world and activist groups out of California were trying to crush us in our businesses and trying to take our money, like, literally, they wanted to see us not only lose our show, but they wanted to see us annihilated, lose all of our money. Yeah, they went after our banks and everything. I mean it was crazy and you know what? They couldn't touch us, it was just crazy. And now I'm thanking the Lord that we live in a free country. But at some point they might.

Speaker 1:

But we remembered that dream. Yeah, I remember that dream. So ask God to strengthen you. We operate it by the word of God. That's exactly right. If God gives you a dream, great yeah. But you do not make your business decisions because God gave you some dream.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Pharaoh had a dream. Okay. So Pharaoh had a dream and Joseph was second in command and none of the wise men could interpret the dream. Joseph was not second in command. He, joseph, was not second in command. He was in prison. Yeah, that's exactly right. He eventually became second in command, but anyway, because he interpreted the dream. So, anyway, pharaoh had this dream and none of the wise men could do it. So they brought Joseph out of prison and he was able to deliver the goods. God gave him the interpretation of the dream and he did it and it dumbfounded the king. The king was like oh my gosh. And because of that, joseph was rewarded and became second in command.

Speaker 1:

The beauty is what Joseph said. I'm going to tell you. We're going to read the scripture of what Joseph said. Then I'm going to tell you what happened with Daniel, and after I give you both of these passages, I'm going to give you the most powerful move in business. So Joseph is brought before King Pharaoh and King Pharaoh says hey, can you interpret the dream? What does Joseph say?

Speaker 1:

David, genesis, chapter 41, verse 16. This is after prison, after getting cleaned up. Now he stands before Pharaoh. You call him King Pharaoh. I don't think that that works Well. Pharaoh is. It means king. But whatever Joseph answered Pharaoh.

Speaker 1:

Verse 16 of chapter 41, genesis. Joseph answered Pharaoh it is not in me. 41 Genesis Joseph answered Pharaoh it is not in me. God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer. Isn't that crazy? He did it.

Speaker 1:

And then does this passage after that tell us that he actually interpreted the dream? Then Pharaoh said to Joseph behold, in my dream he went and spoke the whole dream. And then Joseph said this is what is happening. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. Okay, so you see what Joseph did right there. Man, that was so good. He's like, nope, I can't do it, but God can.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the same thing happened in Daniel centuries later, when Nebuchadnezzar had this dream in Babylon and Daniel was I mean, he was already in the king's court, but he wasn't elevated to this massive position of prominence at this point. And the king had a dream and he got so mad at the fact that none of his wise men and astrologers could interpret the dream. So he said all the wise men are going to be killed. Goes to show you. Do not lead by emotion, because you will make stupid decisions, like Nebuchadnezzar almost did Kill all the wise men. Okay, yeah, that's a great idea.

Speaker 1:

Daniel goes and says hey, give me a little time, and we're going to fast and pray and ask God to give us this interpretation of the dream. And then God does it. God gives him the interpretation of the dream and now Daniel finds himself standing in front of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2, verse 26. David read 26 through 28. Okay, the king declared to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar are you able to make known to me the dream that I have seen and its interpretation. Daniel answered the king and said no wise men, enchanters, magicians or astrologers can show to the king the mystery that the king has asked, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days, your dream. So he said nope, I can't do it, but God can. So here is the interpretation of your dream. So he actually delivered the goods, just like Joseph did.

Speaker 1:

Now, if both of those guys said, hey, we can't interpret dreams, but God can, and then they didn't interpret the dream, they both would have been killed. So they both did the job. They did what needed to be done. Both kings had a problem. These guys had a solution and they brought that solution to the problem. So they solved the problem for the kings. So here is the most powerful move that you can make in business that Joseph and Daniel both showed us on how to do here it is Remove yourself from the equation so the transaction can be between God and your customer. You see, both kings had a problem. They both had a need. Daniel and Joseph both had the solution. They had the solution to the problem. They could do it. And when they brought the solution to the problem. What they did was they then removed themselves from the equation so the transaction could be between God and the king, and that's what we're supposed to do in business.

Speaker 1:

We do a really good job for our customers. We do a really good job for our clients, a very good job, a good enough job to where, at some point, they want to ask us how are you doing what you're doing? Like, why do you do what you do? You're really good at what you do In that moment. Here's what I want you to know, sir ma'am, this isn't about me, this is about God. I have a relationship with the God who created me and in that moment, you are removing yourself from the equation. So the transaction can be between your customer, your client, and God. In a very simple way, you can say all of our service or all of our products are tied to a core set of values that I learned in the scripture. I mean just that simple.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting because I was just in Nashville with my boys. They were my two oldest boys are already moved. They live there. One, hopefully, is about to get married this year or next year. Either way, it's great, and they were playing basketball. I mean, it was just packed at this lifetime fitness. And my other, my youngest son, was also playing, so it was a three of those boys playing together. It was fun. They won seven straight.

Speaker 1:

It was just fun watching them play, laughing, and but there was a couple of older men that came over and they were like dude, we love your, your boys, bailey and Ty, and it was just really. I mean, of course, as a dad, I love to hear that. And uh, the one guy kind of pulled me aside and he was like you know, they're just really respectful and they take time with me. And he starts going on and on and on and talking like this and I instantly felt kind of like a little bit of pride as a parent and I knew deflected to the Lord. I said you know what, bro, it ain't that dude. I can't take credit for squat, I said, but we did the best that we could to raise them up according to the scripture, according to the way that God had created them.

Speaker 1:

And the next 10 minutes was about what church do the boys go to? He has been strayed from the Lord. He hasn't been in church in a while. I mean he's dumping all this stuff on me and it was just really cool to sit there and watch like I'm an idiot dad. But I'm telling you, if anything is in my boys which I don't always get conversations like that, so I don't want you to think that they're great, but I do want to think that in one regard, I actually simply said look, we just tried our best to raise them according to scripture and it's just, it's a, it's a real blessing to see how God's ways are best. And, and the next thing, you know, the guy's talking all about church. He says he wants to get back involved and all this other stuff. It was just pretty awesome to watch.

Speaker 1:

And so, david and I this is what we do when we do. Anybody who's been coached by us at Expert Ownership, anybody who's done one of our masterminds which we should have a mastermind coming up in September, mid-september Lord willing, we'll actually be able to get that coordinated tell you about it. But one of the first things that we do is we go through the exercise of listening prayer. Why do we do that? Because David and I know we are not the experts. God is the expert in your business, and so what we need to do is remove ourselves from the equation so the transaction can be between God and you. That's right. And so in listening prayer, we've got our soaking worship, music playing and just what does God want to say to you about your business? And then people start opening up and it is fantastic. Literally, I would say, the majority of our time at our masterminds are in and around what we've heard about, what we've heard from God in listening prayer. So we have to remove ourselves from the equation.

Speaker 1:

Now listen, here's what happened with Daniel, daniel. In verse 27 through 28, daniel honored God. Okay, so did Joseph. But if we're looking at Daniel 2, we're going to see three things. That happened because Daniel honored God, and so did Joseph. When Daniel honored God, guess what happened? Nebuchadnezzar, his customer. At that point, he honored God. Verse 47, the king answered Daniel and said surely your God is a God of gods and Lord of kings and a revealer of mystery, since you have been able to reveal this mystery. See that right there. If Daniel did not say hey, I can't do it, but God can, that king would have said Daniel, you are the man, but he didn't. He said your God is the real God. You are the man, but he didn't. He said your God is the real God.

Speaker 1:

So first, nebuchadnezzar, the customer, honored God. Second, the customer Nebuchadnezzar, honored Daniel. Verse 48, the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon. So Daniel got honored. That's the second reward. And then the third, which I think is even the best verse 49. And Daniel made requests to the king and he appointed Shadrach, meshach and Abednego over the administration of the province of Babylon while Daniel was at the king's court. So Daniel honored his friends. Yeah, so now Daniel's friends got honored. All because Daniel removed himself from the kingdom equation, so the transaction could be between God and the king. Because of that, because Daniel honored God, nebuchadnezzar, his customer, honored God, nebuchadnezzar honored Daniel and Daniel honored his friends.

Speaker 1:

Is that not cool? And that's what we can do with our businesses. A very practical way to do that is to write out your mission and your vision. It could just be one. Just write out your vision I want to X. So that X right. Just write it out and have your people work according to that vision.

Speaker 1:

And when you do that and people are like, wow, I love working here. Hey guys, the reason why is because we're doing our best to anchor ourselves to biblical truth. Boom, right there. You don't have to say, yeah, we anchor ourselves to biblical truth. Just say we're doing our best. Right, because there's going to come all kinds of situations that people are going to. You know you're going to have to work through Same thing with your customers. We're doing our best. Same thing when someone's like dude, I really like buying from you, if you're a sales guy or something, whatever that may be. You know I consult a company Suncoast Contractors Supply out of Gulfport and they are phenomenal. Their customers just give incredible rave reviews.

Speaker 1:

But the owner, lanny Moore Jr, very good friend of mine, he is a godly man. He deflects, he very quickly deflects. This is a Christian-based company. My dad built it, built it on Christian principles, christian values. We're not perfect but we do the best we can to honor the Lord with the way that we work. And that really is a very practical way to remove yourself from the equation so that the transaction can be between your customers and God, between your employees and God, between the people that you work with and God, between the contractors or vendors you work with and God between your children and God between anybody that gives you a compliment about your family or maybe your marriage or whatever.

Speaker 1:

If things are working in your life, you can say I just give God all the glory and then you can say what you're trying your best to do, because it ain't all just the Lord. He doesn't just drop spiritual bombs out of heaven and give you a great marriage. There are tips and tricks Jason and his marriage podcast, beauty in Battle. There are things that you can apply. But you're like look, the Lord has done a great thing in my marriage and we actually have chosen to do it this way and it's just a real blessing, people really. And the thing is is, if you're not going to do a slam dunk over the top, good job, don't mention God, please. Don't.

Speaker 1:

Just don't take the bumper sticker off the back of your car. If you drive, hell, that's me and jason. That's why I don't have a bumper sticker. I remember one of the any christian stuff, one of the ladies in our church when we were little, little kids. I'll never forget this. I think it was janelle luttrell. Jason, she goes flip, which is our dad. He was the pastor. Why don't you have a bumper sticker on the back of your car, like we do, says jesus is lord and he goes, janelle, because I don't drive like he is, because when I'm behind that wheel I am Lord of the road. Yeah, I like it. All right. Hey, there you go. Most powerful move in business remove yourself from the equation so the transaction can be between God and your customer. Best thing ever. Okay, subscribe. Rate review. Send this out to some friends. Hopefully this is a blessing to you.

Speaker 1:

Christian Healthcare Ministries brings this podcast to you. If you need any type of healthcare, go to expertownershipcom. Slash CHM. They are phenomenal. They don't even do premiums, it's actually monthly sharing and it's pretty awesome. So it's saved us a bunch of money and it's really helped our families. Okay, and on that note too, I told you guys that we have on Amazon our expert ownership listening prayer journal. I'm going to put a link in the notes here, so go get it. You guys will like it. Hey, love you guys. Thanks for hanging with us. God bless you.